Trade Resources Industry Views Promotions of GruèRe and Guitchounts to Director of Trade Analysis Was Approved by ICAC

Promotions of GruèRe and Guitchounts to Director of Trade Analysis Was Approved by ICAC

The promotion of Ms. Armelle Gruère from Statistician to Senior Market Analyst, and the promotion of Mr. Andrei Guitchounts from Economist to Director of Trade Analysis was approved by the member governments of International Cotton Advisory Council (ICAC) at the 520th Meeting of the Standing Committee on Thursday, September 20, 2012. The promotions are effective immediately.

During her seven-year tenure as Statistician, Ms. Gruère has updated and expanded the base of data used by the Secretariat, has managed the publication of numerous reports and articles related to cotton statistics, has improved communication with Coordinating Agencies, and has conducted workshops on data collection methods. 
Ms. Gruère, who did not have experience in cotton prior to joining the Secretariat, quickly mastered the size and complexity of the cotton industry and relevant statistical sources and gained the confidence of cotton industry participants. 
Since joining the Secretariat in 1990, Mr. Guitchounts has greatly expanded the scope of understanding about the structure and complexity of trade in cotton. 
Mr. Guitchounts compiles data on imports by country of origin and exports by country of destination by season. He compiles matrixes of trade statistics with reported exports reconciled with reported imports. He gathers data on approximately 500 international merchants doing business in cotton and provides estimates of size of operations and regions of specialization, along with lists of ocean freight companies, insurance companies and banks providing cotton trade finance. 
Mr. Guitchounts assists the Statistician in management of the ICAC database of cotton supply and use by country and by season, and maintains the flow of weekly and monthly reports in the Statistician's absence. Mr. Guitchounts has organized seminars on price risk management and trade opportunities in cotton and cotton textiles in Russia, Egypt, Kenya, Poland, Sudan, Taiwan, Uzbekistan and the United States. He also manages the ICAC Research Associate Program every other year when topics are focused on economic issues. 
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Promotions of Gruere & Guitchounts at Icac
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