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IQE Presenting Papers on Antimonide-Based IR Materials

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At SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing Technologies conference (DSS 2015) in Baltimore, MD, USA (21-23 April), epiwafer foundry and substrate maker IQE plc of Cardiff, Wales, UK is presenting a series of three invited papers on recent key developments in advanced infrared technologies and the commercialization of materials:

  • molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth of antimony (Sb)-based bulk nBn infrared photodetector structures on ≥6-inch gallium antimonide (GaSb) substrates;
  • growth and characterization of ≥6-inch epitaxy-ready GaSb substrates for use in large-area infrared detector applications; and
  • a study of doping influences on transmission of large-diameter GaSb substrates for long-wave (LWIR) to very-long-wavelength (VLWIR) infrared applications.
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IQE Presenting Papers on Antimonide-Based IR Materials at SPIE DSS