Trade Resources Industry Views Monolithic Molybdenum Target with Inner Diameter Coating

Monolithic Molybdenum Target with Inner Diameter Coating

PLANSEE Presents Upgraded Rotary Target

Picture:Monolithic molybdenum target with inner diameter coating.

PLANSEE of Reutte,Austria(which makes refractory metals and composite materials including pressed-sintered crucibles made of tungsten and molybdenum)is presenting its"upgraded rotary target"at the EU PVSEC trade event in Frankfurt,Germany(September 24 to 28).

Molybdenum sputtering targets are used to deposit the back contacts in copper indium gallium diselenide(CIGS)cells by magnetron sputtering.Monolithic rotary targets have no backing tube.They consist entirely of the thin film material.With these targets,CIGS manufacturers can increase sputtering performance and consequently achieve greater throughput,says the firm.The high level of material utilization also reduces the total cost of ownership in solar cell production.

When monolithic targets are used,the molybdenum is in direct contact with the cooling water inside the sputtering equipment.Additional particular additives(so-called inhibitors)have to be used to condition the cooling water for operation with monolithic targets,stabilizing the pH-value of the cooling water.

PLANSEE has developed a protective coating for the inner diameter(ID)wall of the target,making it easier to use monolithic targets.This polymer-based layer ensures that the molybdenum is no longer exposed directly to the cooling water,which means that CIGS manufacturers do not need to use additional inhibitors,and are therefore able to reduce costs.The ID coating does not noticeably impair the thermal conductivity of the rotary target,adds the firm.

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PLANSEE Presents Upgraded Rotary Target