More than 12 million bales of cotton have already reached various cotton processing units across Pakistan during the current marketing year, according to the fortnightly report released by the Pakistan Cotton Ginners’ Association (PCGA).
12.022 million bales of cotton have arrived in the market as of January 15, 2013,, compared to arrival of 12.829 million bales during the same period last year, according to the report.
Of this, 11.813 million bales have already been pressed and 10.234 million cotton bales have been bought by textile mills, while 200,586 bales have been exported, thus leaving an unsold stock of 1.378 million bales, the report states.
PCGA estimates that about 8.726 million bales arrived from Punjab, while 3.296 million bales have arrived in the local markets from the Sindh region.
While the arrival in Punjab is lower than the 10.3 million bales recorded during the corresponding period last year, the arrival in Sindh has registered an increase compared to last year’s arrival of 2.5 million bales.