The China government is expected to accept LED lighting standard certifications done in Taiwan on some conditions and this will initially benefit Taiwan-based LED chip and street lamp makers, according to Taiwan-based LED makers.
The China government hopes to specify standards and regulations to hold the reins of the China LED lighting market, the sources indicated. But China-based LED makers do not possess key technologies, therefore the China government will soon allow a reliance on Taiwan-based makers by recognizing LED lighting standard certifications based in Taiwan, the sources explained.
The recognition will enable Taiwan-based makers to participate in open-bids for local government LED street lamp procurements in China through partnership with China-based makers, the sources said.
Electronics & Optoelectronics Research Laboratories under the government-sponsored Industrial Technology Research Institute has been promoting the mutual recognition of LED street lamp standards and certifications between Taiwan and China, according to the agency. Recently, LED street Lamp test were founded to conform with China's, which is conducive to reaching mutual recognition, the agency indicated.
According to chairman Frank Chien for Taiwan-based LED chip maker Formosa Epitaxy, the LED Street Lighting Alliance in Taiwan has reached an agreement with the optoelectronics association in Fujian Province, southeastern China, for cooperation on LED lighting certification and application, and both sides have completed the installation of 14,000 LED lamps in 30km of tunnels to demonstrate LED lighting.