Trade Resources Industry Views EU Reached a Consensus with The China to Set an Annual Quota of 7GWp on PV Modules

EU Reached a Consensus with The China to Set an Annual Quota of 7GWp on PV Modules

The European Union (EU) has reached a consensus with the China government to set an annual quota of 7GWp on PV modules imported from China, but the quota will reportedly also include solar cells, according to industry sources in Taiwan. This is expected to benefit Taiwan-based solar cell makers because they generally have the advantage of higher energy conversion rates in comparison with China-based makers, the sources said.

In addition, the EU will set a minimum price of EUR0.56/W (US$0.74/W) for PV modules imported from China, much higher than the EUR0.42-0.43/W quoted for PV modules imported from China to Europe in the first half of 2013, the sources indicated. This will increase the price competitiveness of Taiwan- and South Korea-made PV modules, the sources said.

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EU 7GWP Import Quota Reportedly to Include Soar Cells