Trade Resources Industry Views IEEE Formed a Technical Advisory Group to Serve as a Collaborative Umbrella Organization

IEEE Formed a Technical Advisory Group to Serve as a Collaborative Umbrella Organization

December 12, 2012 - IEEE formed a new technical advisory group—802.24 Smart Grid—to serve as a collaborative umbrella organization that works with multiple IEEE 802 working groups (WGs) and will liaise with smart grid ecosystem stakeholders, such as regulatory agencies, other standards development bodies and industry organizations.

802.24's goal is to help resolve questions and challenges regarding the use of IEEE 802 standards in smart grid applications.

"IEEE 802 networking standards have achieved near-ubiquitous adoption..." said Bill Ash, strategic program manager, IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA). "Now with the smart grid's continued evolution, IEEE 802 standards will also play a fundamental role in critical applications like home automation, advanced metering infrastructures, renewables integration and demand response. The IEEE 802.24 Smart Grid TAG will serve as the ultimate resource for practical information and insight about the use of IEEE 802 standards in the smart grid."

As part of its charter, the group will become an essential link and first point of contact for an array of smart grid constituencies, including policymakers and regulatory bodies, standards development organizations (SDOs) and trade associations, as well as an internal resource for other IEEE societies, groups and committees.

Primary responsibilities and activities falling under the IEEE 802.24 Smart Grid TAG's purview include facilitating coordination and collaboration among IEEE 802 groups and providing conference and event speakers able to address the use of IEEE 802 standards in smart grid applications. Additionally, participants will cooperatively develop a range of materials such as white papers, guidelines and presentations.

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Ieee Forms 802.24 Smart Grid Technical Advisory Group