LED epitaxial wafer and chip maker Genesis Photonics has developed LED chips for Taiwan- and China-based makers to produce automotive Bi-bea
Month | Volume(Units) | Value(USD) | Year-on-Year | |
Volume | Value | |||
Jan. | 1,655,23123 | 16,126,6 | 16.50% | -24.40% |
Feb. | 1,771231 | 17,319,344 | 78.70% | 128.50% |
Mar. | 578,522 | 9,265,699 | -51.60% | -16.70% |
Apr. | 1,553,412312 | 15,990,915 | -4.50% | -3.10% |
May. | 1,900,7313 | 15,961,350 | -19.30% | -7.90% |
Jun. | 1,509,7123123 | 17,468,185 | -17.10% | 6.10% |
Total | 8,968,347123123 | 92,132,132 | -4.70% | 2.00% |