Trade Resources Market View The Price of 6-Inch Solar Wafers in China Has Been Falling to US$0.98/Unit

The Price of 6-Inch Solar Wafers in China Has Been Falling to US$0.98/Unit

Solar wafer buyers focus on quality,not price Nuying Huang,Taipei;Jackie Chang,DIGITIMES[Friday 7 September 2012]The price of 6-inch solar wafers in China has been falling to US$0.98/unit,according to China-based solar firms.

Solar wafer firms in China have been using low prices to clear out inventories and obtain cash.Some firms have been using solar wafers to pay back debts and some have been dumping products in preparation of exiting the market.Hence,according to solar cell makers,price is no longer a key factor when procuring solar wafers,quality is.

Solar cell makers added that most solar wafers that have been dumped onto the market have unstable quality and no after-sales service.Hence,most buyers have been very careful about procuring low-price wafers from the spot market.

Buyers often favor procuring solar wafers from makers instead of distributors due to quality control,despite the latter being able to quote lower prices.In addition,distributors often have limited inventories.

There is a possibility that buyers get damaged or low quality wafers when purchasing directly from makers,however,most makers have transparent channels for customer services,which means buyers can easily find a satisfying solution.

With the current price falling below production costs,the situation has provided incentives for solar wafer makers to find creative ways to gain profits.Therefore,one of the major factors that will see the solar wafer market filled with mixed quality is that some wafer firms have been mixing second-grade materials to lower costs and increase gross margins.

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Solar Wafer Buyers Focus on Quality, Not Price