Trade Resources Market View CSC Cuts Its Prices for HR and CR Leeway by NT$500/Ton and NT$400/Ton for May

CSC Cuts Its Prices for HR and CR Leeway by NT$500/Ton and NT$400/Ton for May

China Steel Corp. (CSC), the largest carbon steelmaker in Taiwan announced to cut its prices for hot rolled and cold rolled leeway by NT$500/ton and NT$400/ton for May.

It’s known that CSC postponed launching leeway into the Taiwanese market in April and the company decided the resume the leeway release in May.

After the adjustment, CSC’s leeway prices for hot rolled and cold rolled leeway were at NT$15,750~NT$16,750/ton and NT$18,800~NT$19,300/ton respectively.




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CSC Cuts Leeway Prices for May
Topics: Construction