Trade Resources Industry Knowledge Standards for Quality and Production Methods Are Provided for Foods

Standards for Quality and Production Methods Are Provided for Foods

Standards for quality and production methods are provided for foods, beverages other than alcohols, and forestry products as Japanese Agricultural Standards (JAS).

What is JAS?

Products can carry JAS marks with the packages if they are graded by producers, manufacturers, distributors, or importers who are certified by third party organization.

The JAS marks guarantee the qualities of the products, which help consumers or users make choices.

The JAS is not a standard on food safety, HACCP or GAP. The JAS Standards are categorized as below:

1) General JAS with quality, such as composition, grading, performance; and

2) Specific JAS with production methods, such as organic foods and naturally grown chicken ("Jidoriniku").

In order to attach JAS marks to their products, Business Entities such as producers and manufacturers shall be certified by Registered Japanese or Overseas Certifying Bodies. The Business Entities both in Japan and overseas are able to be qualified.

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What is JAS?