Bamboo forest flooring is a patented and innovative technology in bamboo industry. Approved by China Forest Institute, this technology is completely subverting the original bamboo processing technology and producing real formaldehyde-free bamboo flooring. The bamboo strip surface is no painting, so there is no emission of formaldehyde and benzene. The strength of the floor surface is much higher than other types of flooring. The surface of each floor can truly reflect the bamboo produced in the growth process of natural images. Flatten bamboo is produced not cutting bamboo pole into strips and pressing together for making a new board, but using the complete bamboo trunk as the face layer. Flatten bamboo pressed in 3 layers and face is 5mm thickness of original bamboo, core and bottom are regular bamboo strips. Face layer is bamboo in original that means no cutting, no milling, no gluing, and no finishing. The bamboo trunk is flattened with a special process which is our patented technology. Face layer is most important in this flooring. It can be with green skin or without, or it can be stained in various colors, like white. Bamboo in original style consists of the stony bark of bamboo stem and it is very hard and no oil or lacquer is needed. Using the only bamboo technology in the world, we completely subvert the original processing of bamboo flooring and increase 30% in the utilization of bamboo than regular production. Flatten bamboo is an ecological flooring and people can walk on this bamboo to touch the forest. Dimension: 1210 x 125 x 18 mm, 2100 x 125 x 18 mm. Unique style: bamboo nodes on full board Color: green skin or stained Hardness: 8.1 kg / mm3 Density: 850 kg / m3 ( standard bamboo is 750 kg / m3 ) Emission formaldehyde: less than 0.025 mg / m3 ( E0 norm ) Source: