There are many times at home when we need to repair items. With home repair comes the need for different hand tools .There are a few tools that should always be kept handy to fix household problems. Hand tools provide a simple and easy means for doing a home improvement or woodworking project. The home repair tools are of various kinds and available in various shapes and sizes. Need for home repair tools The basic purpose of home repair tools to improve or repair objects instead of replacing or purchasing them. Hand tools are very essential in a household to carry out different kinds of repair jobs of everyday use. Most of these home repair jobs are referred to as “DIY” or “Do It Yourself” projects. In other words, using the home repair tools, there are many repairing jobs that a normal person can do without taking the help of a professional like a carpenter or plumber or electrician or a machinist. These tools are used for cutting, nailing, punching, tightening, loosening, fixing, pasting, drilling and other home repair jobs. Right from fixing up your wall cabinet or tightening screws coming loose on a cabinet to putting up a shelf to hand a wall hanging or removing screws, nuts or bolts-these home repair tools are used to fix common problems. Important Tip When a toolbox is made for home repair jobs, it is obvious that you make a list of hand tools that you require at home. Although it is natural that you may feel tempted to buy more tools than you need, it is always better as well as smarter to buy just the tools you need for your current project. In this way, you can keep on collecting tools depending on the job and let your tool kit build up over time. This will also eliminate unnecessary purchases. Hand tools make any home repair jobs easy and can get jobs done fast provided you use the right tool. Source: