A baby bottle is a bottle with a teat (also called a nipple in the US) to drink directly from. It is typically used by infants and young children when a mother does not breastfeed, or if someone cannot (as conveniently) drink from a cup, for feeding oneself or being fed. In particular it is used to feed infant formula, expressed breast milk or pediatric electrolyte solution. |
History of Baby Bottle
Bottles with hard spouts go back to prehistory.The first consisted of urns with two openings: one for pouring the liquid into the bottle and the other to be put in the baby's mouth. Soft teats of various materials were tried but were very difficult to clean. The invention of vulcanized rubber provided a material that was soft and could withstand the heat of sterilization. Elijah Pratt of New York patented the first rubber teat in 1845.[16] It took until the 1900s before the technology was improved for a soft teat that could be considered as practical for use by mothers who were not breastfeeding In the UK in 1999, "the feeding and sterilising equipment sector ... stands at £49m. Sales of feeding bottles account for 39% of the market", or £19.1m. | |
Top 6 Baby Bottles [more]
Avent Bottles | This bottle is the best bet, particularly for breastfeeding moms who need to use bottles. This bottles has a unique air flow system that has been proven to help prevent gas pain associated with bottle feeding. These bottles also have a separate adapter kit available allowing you to attach the bottle directly to a breast pump. Comes with a variety of nipple sizes based on age, 4 oz. and 9 oz. bottles, and disposable and reusable. |
Baby Milk Bank Bottles | The Milk Bank Baby Bottles are a great vented systems with fewer parts to allow your baby to eat without getting painful gas or colic. The wide nipple helps baby to go from the breast and back easily. |
Dr. Brown Bottles | These bottles also help prevent gas pain, burping and spitting up by preventing the formation of a vacuum within the bottle. They also have the ability to connect directly to a breast pump for ease of use. They have easy to read numbers for accuracy of measurements. Available in wide or regular neck. They are also available in glass bottles in some locations. |
Glass Baby Bottles by Evenflo | These glass bottles by Evenflo are great for storing breast milk or for when you worry about the chemicals that can be found in some plastics. |
Adiri Nurser | The Adiri Nurser is a new twist on the baby bottle. This bottle is polycarbonate-free and bisphenol-A (BPA) free, but is not glass. The nearly one piece system allows you to fill and feed easily, from the base of the nurser. The breast like shape supposedly help babies who nurse go back and forth with ease. The new design als has improved some of the issues with the previous model, the breast bottle, with leaking. |
Playtex Ventaire | These bottles have similar attributes of other bottles, but this angled neck bottle opens from the top or bottom. This can aid in cleaning your bottles. |
Guide to Types of Baby Bottles
If you have decided to use baby bottles to feed your baby, either exclusively or to supplement breastfeeding, you may have noticed the array of bottles on the market. This guide covers the different types of bottles that are available and their advantages and disadvantages.
BOTTLE TYPES | Baby bottles come in glass, polycarbonate plastic, opaque plastic (non-polycarbonate) and disposable plastic.【more】 |
NIPPLE TYPES | Baby bottle nipples generally come in latex and silicone. While the silicone products are more durable, the latex ones are more malleable and may be preferred by newborns or by babies who are also breastfeeding.【more】 |
BOTTLE SHAPES | Bottles come in an array of sizes and shapes. These include bottles with handles, molding to make it easy for parent or baby to grip, angled shapes and novelty shapes.【more】 |
Usefuly information for our parents :
Problems with Plastic Baby Bottles
How to Buy a Hands-Free Baby Bottle
Safety of Water Bottles, Baby Bottles Questioned
How to Buy Bottles and Nipples
Are Plastic Baby Bottles and Formula Cans Safe?
Written by Dora Men