When choosing a new bathroom suite it is important to thing about the style and look you want to achieve once finished and look around for inspiration before making a choice. It is also important to measure correctly how much space you have available and the positioning of the bath, shower, basin and toilet within your bathroom. The bathroom suite that you choose all comes down to how much space you have available. If you have a large bathroom then you have the space to have the complete bathroom including a: Basin, toilet, shower, bath and furniture which will also come at a price with these bathroom suites to likely be at the top end of your budget. Having a smaller bathroom will mean that you are likely going to be limited to the minimum consisting of a bath, basin and toilet. No matter which bathroom suite you choose the positioning is critical. If space is an issue within your bathroom choosing a cloakroom suite will provide you with the most space in your bathroom, also thinking about the positioning can free up more space within your bathroom, to maximise this it is a good idea to plan your bathroom out first allowing you to have an idea of what it may look like when it is finished. The style that you are going for in your bathroom is entirely down to you and your personal preference. If you are looking for a modern bathroom suite then Moods and RAK offer a range of modern suites in a variety of sizes. RAK bathroom suites are becoming more common within new households and bathrooms. If you are looking for a luxury bathroom, choosing a freestanding bath will add a focal point to your bathroom and depending on the style can contribute to the overall theme of the bathroom. When choosing a new bathroom suite it is important to think into the future and the potential resale of your property. This is why it is important to choose a bathroom suite that will last into the future while still being appealing to you at the present time. Source: bellabathrooms.co.uk/blog