Wood doors that won’t close can not only be a real pain, it isn’t safe! The last thing you want are entry doors that are giving you problems, but no matter if it’s an interior or exterior door, the door needs to be fixed right away. There are a few reasons it could be having issues but it’s not too difficult to troubleshoot and fix the problem. First, see if the latch bolt is sticking. If it is, all you need to do is lubricate it with some silicone. If that’s not the problem, use a level to see if the door was installed properly. It needs to be a perfect fit. Adjusting the hinges is the easy solution. But if the door is hung correctly, it’s time to check the strike plate in the door jamb. Check out the wear marks to see if it’s out of alignment. If it’s only slightly misaligned, you can use a file along the edge of the hole to make it bigger. If it’s really off, you can replace the strike plate with a larger one. That should solve the problem so you can finally shut the door all the way and have it stay shut! Source: doors4homeblog.com