Using a hammock for a bed? No, we're not crazy! Did you know that today, millions of people use a hammock as their bed? We receive several emails and phone calls each day where someone inquires about using a hammock instead of a mattress and frame.
Most beds that people sleep on actually create tension in the body. When you lie on a surface, such as a bed mattress, all of your body weight must be collected somewhere. These places that support all of the weight are called "pressure points". These pressure points are the reason we have to rotate and change positions during the night to get comfortable. Obviously, this detracts from a restful nights sleep.
What if you didn't have to rotate in the middle of the night?
Hammocks induce a relaxed state of both mind and body by working from a principle called "Weight distribution". While all hammocks are beneficial for relaxing the body and mind, three hammocks in particular are the most popular for sleeping and other indoor uses. They are the Mayan, the Nicaraguan, and the Brazilian hammocks; all of which do not have spreader bars. The popularity of these hammocks is based on two characteristics. First, each of these hammocks demonstrates the highest level of weight distribution possible. When lying in the hammock, you feel as a sense of weightlessness or 'zero gravity'. Second, these hammocks are noted for their simplicity to hang or take down and their conservation of space.
People in Central and South America and other locations around the world have used hammocks as a bed for over a thousand years! Isn't it time you found out what you're missing out on?