Trade Resources Industry Knowledge The Ability to Specify and Develop The Right Control Gear Is an Essential Part

The Ability to Specify and Develop The Right Control Gear Is an Essential Part

ERCO LED control gear

The abili­ty to spe­ci­fy and de­ve­lop the right con­trol gear is an es­sen­ti­al part of ERCO´s com­pe­tence in op­to­elec­tro­nics. Con­trol gear pre­cise­ly tuned to each in­di­vi­du­al LED mo­du­le trans­forms the mains vol­ta­ge into di­rect cur­rent at the ap­pro­pria­te vol­ta­ge and con­stant cur­rent. Dif­fe­rent dim­ming me­thods are used for LEDs, de­pen­ding on their ap­p­li­ca­ti­on. Through the fac­to­ry en­co­ding of the con­trol gear, ERCO´s DA­LI-com­pa­ti­ble LED lu­mi­n­ai­res offer plug and play con­nec­tivi­ty for user-fri­end­ly com­mis­sio­ning. The con­trol gear of va­rychro­me LED lu­mi­n­ai­res is pro­gram­med with an elec­tro­nic co­lour com­pen­sa­ti­on fac­tor to allow for the ma­nu­fac­tu­ring to­leran­ces of LEDs.

This pa­cka­ge of lu­mi­n­ai­re and con­trol gear, fa­mi­li­ar to users of lu­mi­n­ai­res with DALI con­trol gear, has many ad­van­ta­ges. The con­trol gear is pre­cise­ly matched to the re­le­vant LED mo­du­le to en­su­re ma­xi­mum life of the LED with high lu­mi­nous power. The lu­mi­n­ai­res are tested by ERCO to­ge­ther with the con­trol gear so the user is pro­vi­ded with a com­bi­na­ti­on that en­su­res ideal ope­ra­ti­on and safe­ty. It also gua­ran­tees, in par­ti­cu­lar, com­p­li­an­ce with EMC (elec­tro­ma­gne­tic com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty) re­qui­re­ments. The outer di­men­si­ons of the con­trol gear and the length of the cable are de­si­gned to fa­ci­li­ta­te in­stal­la­ti­on in the ap­pro­pria­te cei­ling aper­tu­re. 

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Con­trol gear for LED re­ces­sed lu­mi­n­ai­res
For op­ti­mal pro­duct per­for­mance, it makes sense to pro­vi­de LED re­ces­sed lu­mi­n­ai­res that in­clu­de con­trol gear pre­cise­ly tailo­red to the lu­mi­n­ai­re. ERCO´s LED re­ces­sed lu­mi­n­ai­res are usual­ly avail­able in three ver­si­ons: as DA­LI-con­trol­led Light Cli­ents, with con­trol gear dimma­ble through trai­ling edge tech­no­lo­gy, or with swit­cha­ble con­trol gear.

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Dim­ming on the spot­light
ERCO´s LED spot­lights can be dim­med in va­rious ways to en­su­re ef­fi­ci­ent vi­su­al com­fort. The ver­si­ons with elec­tro­nic con­trol gear de­ve­l­o­ped by ERCO have an in­te­gra­ted po­ten­tio­me­ter to ad­just the lu­mi­nous flux pre­cise­ly and in­di­vi­dual­ly.

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Dim­ming via cir­cuit or DALI
ERCO´s LED spot­lights with po­ten­tio­me­ter can also be con­trol­led using ex­ter­nal trai­lin­gedge dim­mers. This makes them ideal for an en­er­gy-ef­fi­ci­ent re­no­va­ti­on of exis­ting light­ing in­stal­la­ti­ons which are equip­ped with this wi­de­ly used dim­mer tech­no­lo­gy. Al­ter­na­tive­ly, many ERCO LED spot­lights are also avail­able as DA­LI-com­pa­ti­ble Light Cli­ents.

Con­trol gear ver­si­ons
The lu­mi­n­ai­re/con­trol gear units with LED are often avail­able in three ver­si­ons: swit­cha­ble, dimma­ble through trai­ling edge tech­no­lo­gy, or DA­LI-con­trol­led.

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Swit­cha­ble LED lu­mi­n­ai­res with con­trol gear can be swit­ched on or off as re­qui­red using ma­nu­al swit­ches or ac­tua­tors.

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Dimma­ble LED lu­mi­n­ai­res with con­trol gear can be ope­ra­ted via the cir­cuit using ex­ter­nal trai­ling-edge dim­mers.

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Lu­mi­n­ai­res with DALI con­trol gear pro­vi­de the ad­van­ta­ge of fac­to­ry en­co­ding. This enables au­to­ma­tic re­co­gni­ti­on of the lu­mi­n­ai­re in the Light Stu­dio soft­ware to pro­vi­de re­le­vant lu­mi­n­ai­re in­for­ma­ti­on and func­tions. Con­ve­ni­ent com­mis­sio­ning uti­li­sing all the ad­van­ta­ges of net­wor­king.

Control gear encoding 

One of the key fea­tures of ERCO´s Light Cli­ents, i.e. DA­LI-com­pa­ti­ble lu­mi­n­ai­res, is their fac­to­ry-en­coded DALI con­trol gear. It enables the fully au­to­ma­tic re­co­gni­ti­on of all Light Cli­ents in­stal­led in a Light Sys­tem DALI in­stal­la­ti­on to pro­vi­de real plug and play con­nec­tivi­ty. This ad­van­ta­ge comes in use­ful par­ti­cu­lar­ly for va­rychro­me RGBW lu­mi­n­ai­res: The ma­nu­al as­si­gn­ment of four co­lour chan­nels to DALI ad­dres­ses is no lon­ger ne­cessa­ry, as the va­rychro­me RGBW LED con­trol gear com­ply with the stan­dar­di­sed DALI type and the­re­fo­re only re­qui­re one DALI ad­dress in spite of ha­ving four con­trol chan­nels. ERCO´s DALI con­trol gear is en­coded with an ar­ti­cle and se­ri­al num­ber along with other cha­rac­te­ris­tics of the lu­mi­n­ai­re. The Light Sys­tem DALI in­stal­la­ti­on re­co­gni­s­es the code, which is dis­play­ed in the Light Stu­dio soft­ware to­ge­ther with the ap­pro­pria­te con­trol ele­ments: Op­tio­nal­ly, a co­lour cir­cle (which will be fa­mi­li­ar to users of pre­vious RGB va­rychro­me lu­mi­n­ai­res) or a sli­der con­trol to re­gu­la­te the co­lour of white along the Plancki­an locus from cool to warm. En­co­ding ERCO´s DALI con­trol gear the­re­fo­re is the key to an ef­fi­ci­ent in­stal­la­ti­on of light­ing sys­tems with RGBW LED tech­no­lo­gy as well as their safe com­mis­sio­ning and user-fri­end­ly ope­ra­ti­on.

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Co­ding for grea­ter user com­fort
The Light Cli­ents are en­coded with a uni­que code in the DALI con­trol gear. When power­ing up the sys­tem, the Light Sys­tem DALI au­to­ma­ti­cal­ly re­co­gni­s­es the lu­mi­n­ai­re type and pro­vi­des the re­le­vant in­for­ma­ti­on and func­tions.

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En­co­ding and che­cking
In ad­di­ti­on to the ar­ti­cle in­for­ma­ti­on, the soft­ware also wri­tes the in­di­vi­du­al com­pen­sa­ti­on fac­tors into the re­spec­tive con­trol gear as per the mea­su­re­ments for co­lour com­pen­sa­ti­on. This is an im­portant as­pect for achie­ving per­fect light­ing qua­li­ty with RGBW LED lu­mi­n­ai­res.

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Elec­tro­ma­gne­tic com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty
Con­ver­si­on to elec­tro­ma­gne­tic en­er­gy takes place through the con­trol gear. For this re­a­son all lu­mi­n­ai­res un­der­go an elec­tro­ma­gne­tic com­pa­ti­bi­li­ty ana­ly­sis at the de­sign stage to en­su­re that they do not un­in­ten­tio­nal­ly in­flu­ence other de­vices with elec­tro­nic com­po­n­ents. 

Colour compensation with varychrome LED luminaires 

Due to the ma­nu­fac­tu­ring pro­cess, LEDs vary in terms of their lu­mi­nous flux and do­mi­nant wa­ve­length. Even with ERCO´s strin­gent spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons for the selec­tion by bin­ning and con­sis­tent DALI con­trol va­lues, it is pos­si­ble that the light co­lours pro­du­ced by RGB co­lour mi­xing can de­via­te vi­si­bly from one lu­mi­n­ai­re to the next. To en­su­re co­lour con­stan­cy, each co­lour com­pen­sa­ted ERCO lu­mi­n­ai­re is in­di­vi­dual­ly mea­su­red and ad­jus­ted in the fac­to­ry. Spe­cial soft­ware cal­cu­la­tes the com­pen­sa­ti­on fac­tors which are per­man­ent­ly stored in the con­trol gear. The user is the­re­fo­re pro­vi­ded with light­ing tools that al­ways re­pro­du­ce ex­act­ly the same co­lour of light.

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The human eye is ca­pa­ble of no­ti­cing even the sligh­test de­via­ti­ons in hue.

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The ad­van­ta­ge of co­lour com­pen­sa­ti­on with va­rychro­me lu­mi­n­ai­res is the­re­fo­re par­ti­cu­lar­ly use­ful in ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons re­qui­ring high con­sis­ten­cy, such as co­lou­red wall­wa­shing.

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