Trade Resources Industry Knowledge The Accor Group Is Currently Re-Launching Its Economy Hotel Brand Ibis

The Accor Group Is Currently Re-Launching Its Economy Hotel Brand Ibis

LED Lighting Project: Ibis Hotel Frankfurt


Ibis Hotel Frankfurt

The Accor Group is currently re-launching its economy hotel brand Ibis, equipped with a new design concept that includes LED wallwashers and directional luminaires for comfortable yet efficient lighting.

The Accor Group is cur­rent­ly re-laun­ching its eco­no­my hotel brand Ibis, equip­ped with a new de­sign con­cept that in­clu­des LED wall­wa­s­hers and di­rec­tio­nal lu­mi­n­ai­res for com­for­ta­ble yet ef­fi­ci­ent light­ing.

Light­ing de­si­gner:
Dree­sen und Part­ner, Düs­sel­dorf

Tho­mas Pflaum


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A con­sis­tent in­te­ri­or de­sign is an in­te­gral part of this hotel brand's cor­po­ra­te de­sign. Light­ing is an im­portant as­pect of this con­cept. The mo­du­lar Quint­es­sen­se range both meets the re­qui­re­ments of ver­ti­cal il­lu­mi­nan­ce and ac­cen­tua­tes cer­tain fea­tures of the room. LED tech­no­lo­gy en­su­res it is done ef­fi­ci­ent­ly. 

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Lighting tools used

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Quint­es­sence round


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LED Lighting Project: Ibis Hotel Frankfurt
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