Passing the “Smell Test” at University of Utah
The University of Utah’s Ute Natatorium has been a leading collegiate swimming and diving venue for over 4 decades. Home of the school’s men’s and women’s swimming teams, the facility regularly hosts Pac 12 Conference and other NCAA Division I competitions and has hosted the NCAA Division I National Championship. Situated in the University’s Huntsman Center athletic complex, it contains a 6-lane, 25-yard training pool; an 8-lane, 25-yard competition pool; and a 20 x 15 yard diving well with 4 diving boards.
Built in 1968, the fan-friendly venue has undergone a number of renovations designed to make it even more appealing as an NCAA competition site. These renovations have included expansions of the natatorium’s diving well, team locker rooms, and the addition of a team meeting lounge.
One of the most recent upgrades benefits athletes, spectators, and student facility users alike: the installation of a high-volume, low-speed fan from Rite-Hite.
Chlorine’s Downside
Like many pool facilities, the Ute Natatorium had a very noticeable chlorine smell. While chlorine is a necessary disinfectant to protect the health of swimmers, bathers, and other pool and spa patrons, the chloramines created during the chlorine disinfection process can pose serious health risks as they build up in the water and become airborne. Symptoms of overexposure are irritation to eyes, nose, mouth and/or lungs.
On the heels of the natatorium’s other improvements, the University decided the time had come to address the chlorine-odor situation, and the facility’s management was directed to find a solution. Assistant Director of Events and Facilities Steve Riley headed up this effort and soon began working with local building consultant Alan Jarvis of Arbon Equipment Corp. to develop a plan.
The natatorium had previously used high-speed ceiling fans to control chlorine odors. However, these fans were very loud and couldn’t be run continuously. While they did vent the chlorine smell when turned on, the odors quickly built back up when the fans were off. Heat and humidity were also problematic, particularly in the natatorium’s bleachers.
Fanning the Fumes
After studying several options, Riley honed in on an approach using high-volume, low-speed (HVLS) fans. Utah’s Athletic Dept. had already experienced success with HVLS fans, having installed four 24-ft diameter models to combat heat in their indoor football facility, as well as two 12-ft models in their football locker room.
As the name implies, HVLS fans are designed to move large volumes of air; in fact, one HVLS fan can cover an area up to 22,000 sq ft. This increased air movement can help disperse concentrations of airborne chemical fumes, including those from chloramines. For the natatorium application, Riley and Jarvis determined that they could sufficiently disperse the odor with a single, 24-ft diameter, 2-blade fan.
The fan’s benefits became apparent almost immediately after it was installed.
“I was shocked at how much difference the fan made,” said Riley. “The smell was noticeably different – the chlorine odor was all but gone. Everyone noticed it.”
Documenting the Results
The reduction of chloramine in the air wasn’t just documented by the noses of Riley, the swim teams and other natatorium users. Air quality readings taken by the University’s College of Health verified those olfactory opinions. While specific data hasn’t been made public, the College of Health did note that chloramine levels in the natatorium were “significantly lower” in readings taken after the fan installation.
The University also discovered that the HVLS fan installation delivered a host of side benefits to the natatorium. Not only were fans in the bleachers enjoying cooler and less humid surroundings, but the fan also hindered the formation of condensation. That made the pool’s walkway areas dryer and less slippery for swimmers and floor-level personnel.
Today, more than a year after their installation, Riley remains thrilled with the decision to install the HVLS fan system.
“The renovations we’d done addressed all the big issues with this building, except for the chlorine smell,” said Riley. “That complaint is now gone.”