Yesterday, the central bank asked pay agency and other banks can not provide the currency payment and settlement services for bitcoin. This news was confirmed. Market analysts believe that the bitcoin will be out of China market in the ...
The Ministry of Commerce announced Monday that it will further lossen controls on cross-border RMB direct investment, Xinhua reported. Under the new regulation, approval procedures for RMB-denominated direct investment from overseas ...
Chih Lien Industrial, one of major manufacturers in steel bars and wires in Taiwan announced that the company's board of directors has planned to sell its China wire plant's shareholding. This wire plant located in China's Donguan, ...
Tags: steel, Construction
Although the construction demand in this year is actually lower than in 2012, buyers still release order at the end of this year and help the Taiwanese rebar mills' sales revenues to grow in November. Feng Hsin has reported its November ...
Tags: rebar, sales revenues, Taiwanese rebar mills
Rodex Fasteners Corp., one of the major stainless steel fasteners manufacturers in Taiwan said that the company's combined sales revenue in this November totaled NT$213 million, falling by 14.58% from the previous month but rising 9.42% ...
Tags: Taiwan, Rodex Fasteners Corp, stainless steel fasteners manufacturers
In the five-day MC9 and on the extension of December 7 of the Doha Round Negotiations, it is surprisingly reached an early harvest at the last minute. If the Doha Round agreement can be implemented early, it will promote trade facilitation, ...
Tags: China's Exports, Doha Round, economy
Yesterday, ADB issued, China's economic growth forecast to 7.7% from 7.6% this year, next year's economic growth forecast to 7.5% from 7.4%. The report points out China's growth will benefit from the infrastructure investment growth in this ...
Bank of China and three other mainland banks on Tuesday issued yuan bonds worth RMB6.7b in Taiwan, a move that could give a boost to Taiwan's offshore yuan market. So far the yuan deposits in Taiwan have reached more than RMB120b. ...
Tags: taiwan, economy, Offshore Yuan Market
China's acceleration of exports and slowdown of imports in November left the country with its largest trade surplus in more than four years. The improvement of overseas demand increased China's chances of securing an 8 percent trade ...
Tags: trade surplus, China, export, import
The best scenario for the Chinese economy in 2014 would be to achieve 7.8 percent GDP growth, a major think tank said on Monday. That could be obtained if all the recently proposed reform initiatives are carried out and the global market ...
The growth rate of China's steel demand will decline from 6.3 percent this year to 3.2 percent in 2014 in the wake of the country's economic transformation and the government's efforts to improve the environment. The nation's steel ...
Tags: steel, steel demand, China
Oil demand growth in the US this year is likely to exceed that of China's for the first time since the 1990s, skewing overall global demand in favor of developed markets, investment bank Goldman Sachs said in a new report released Friday. ...
Tags: US, China, oil demand
China's producer price index (PPI) contracted 1.4 percent year on year in November, following a 1.5-percent drop in October, data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) showed on Monday. The index, which measures inflation at the ...
In November this year, China's overall value-added industrial output increased by 0.76 percent month on month and by 10.0 percent year on year, with the year-on-year growth rate in question down 0.3 percentage points compared to that ...
Tags: output, industrial sectors
A number of cities across China are applying to be the next free trade zone after Shanghai free trade zone was launched in September, Beijing Business Today reported. Tianjin, Shenzhen and Zhejiang have joined the queuw to submit proposals ...
Tags: Free Trade Zone, economy, China