Handling and usage of fuel oil might not be very challenging, yet consistent handling of fuel is vital for both commercial and residential heating systems. The main role of these pumps is pumping the fuel from the storage tank to burner ...
Tags: Oil Pumps, Pumps, Industrial Equipment, Components
What makes up Aerospace Engineering Services? Anyone reading about these services will probably pay too much focus on the aerospace engineering bit, and nothing more. However, there is more to these services, than what an aerospace engineer ...
Tags: Manufacturing, Processing Machinery, Aerospace Engineering Services
Pneumatic Valves are one of the greatest inventions of technology for fluid control management systems in various industries. These valves convert energy into mechanical motion to control and direct fluids. Also, these industrial products ...
Tags: Pneumatic Valves, Industrial Equipment, Components, Valves
Australian researchers have discovered that a short-term diet of foods high in fat and sugar can have a detrimental effect on the brain's cognitive ability. Researchers from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) have demonstrated that ...
Tags: Agriculture, Food
An LED display is a flat panel display, which uses an array of light-emitting diodes as a video display. An LED panel is a small display, or a component of a larger display. They are typically used outdoors in store signs and billboards, ...
Tags: led display, led screen
Temperatures dropped below zero today, and the last hint of green is diminishing from lawns and pastures. Now is a critical time to focus on cows' nutrition. For spring-calving herds, producers need to key in on the needs of the pregnant ...
Tags: Bred Cows, Agriculture, Food
Despite diversity initiatives, there still are too few minority faculty members at U.S. medical schools and those minorities are less likely to be promoted, according to a new study. Researchers analyzed data gathered from medical schools ...
At the IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM 2013) in Washington DC (9-11 December), epiwafer foundry and substrate maker IQE plc of Cardiff, Wales, UK, Pennsylavania State University and the US Commerce Department's National ...
Tags: Low-Power Tunneling Transistor, Electrical, Electronics
LaMar Lighting Company introduces DS-LED, a dual sensor luminaire with an optional 90-minute emergency battery pack to its Occu-smart® line of bi-level lighting. Controlled by two highly sensitive external infrared motion sensors, ...
Tags: Light, LED Light, DS-LED, LaMar Lighting
Rubber is a good insulator and is used in various processes in industries. Rubber molding will be able to offer good adhesion during the chemical reactions occurring between incompatible materials. It is possible to enable bonding between ...
Tags: Rubber Molding, Rubber, Good Adhesion
The new supermarket trend has taken shopping to next level. Now people get to shop fresh in fully air conditioned outlets. These kinds of retail shops have deeply impacted our lifestyle. All these are one stop destination for cost effective ...
Metals are utilized to manufacture a range of commodities. It is highly valuable for its versatile use. So, it is very important to conserve this precious resource of earth as much as possible to maintain sustainable development of ...
Dynamic and competitive market today calls for effective product branding. Businesses are finding new ways to present and promote their varied products. Here packing fulfills all such requirements in true manner. To attract more and more ...
Tags: Packaging, Consumer Goods
Crushing Plant Delhi has been established with most eminent blue prints and conventional plus robust designing stream lined process encompassing most efficient control mechanism. Crusher Machine Manufacturers India possess the world class ...
After overcoming a recession, drought, and liquidation of many herds in the past two years, cash cattle prices finally moved higher this fall. Factors such as small cattle numbers, a favorable demand base, and lower feed prices have sent ...
Tags: Agriculture, Food, Cattle