Firstwood intends to enter into production of window and door scantlings made from thermally-modified timber. The company has therefore invested roughly m in a pilot plant at its new site in Rathenow and commissioned it in November 2011. ...
Tags: market view, Firstwood
Orange Electric, a local electrical and lighting products manufacturer and exporter, has invested US$ 500,000 in a joint venture to set up what it says is South Asia's first Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL) recycling plant in Sri Lanka. ...
Tags: cfl
Orange Electric, a local electrical and lighting products manufacturer and exporter, has invested US$ 500,000 in a joint venture to set up what it says is South Asia's first Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL) recycling plant in Sri Lanka. ...
Tags: cfl
Orange Electric, a local electrical and lighting products manufacturer and exporter, has invested US$ 500,000 in a joint venture to set up what it says is South Asia's first Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL) recycling plant in Sri Lanka. This ...
Tags: Market View, cfl
The German Machinery & Plant Manufacturers Association (VDMA) runs a Platform for Photovoltaic (PV) Equipment which will be supporting solarpeq – International Trade Fair for Solar Equipment – taking place in Düsseldorf in ...
Fabrication is when one thing is manipulated to become something else. Unfortunately, the most common usage of the word might have something to do with the how the truth is so often "fabricated" into something else. However, the most useful ...
Imports of seamless stainless steel pipe and tube are up substantially in 2011 over the same period in 2010. Total imports of small diameter seamless pipe and tubing are up by nearly 40 percent through August, 2011, lead by substantial ...
Tags: stainless pipe, tube, Industrial Equipment
Recently National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Commerce, General Administration of Customs, SAIC,AQSIQ jointly announced that China will be in accordance with the power stage of size gradually banned imports and sales ...
Tags: Market View, LED
Recently National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Commerce, General Administration of Customs, SAIC,AQSIQ jointly announced that China will be in accordance with the power stage of size gradually banned imports and sales ...
Tags: LED
Interbon is planning to run the two particleboard manufacturing lines at its Burgos facility alternately in the frame of the bankruptcy proceedings underway since 7 July 2011. As such, one of the lines will always stand idle while the other ...
Tags: market view, particleboard
A new study on the effects of the mountain pine beetle infestation on the British Columbia (BC) timber industry will be published in early 2012 by Wood Markets Group. The report will draw on new information, including predictions by ...
Tags: market view, Pine beetle
Softwood lumber prices on the German market were held comparatively steady until the end of November. Market players are attributing this development partly to comparatively brisk production and sales of value-added timber-construction ...
Tags: market view, softwood lumber, price
For a third week in a row, the national average retail price of diesel rose, climbing 6.7 cents to $3.892 in the latest week, according to the U. S. Department of Energy’s Energy Information Administration. Average prices increased in ...
Tags: market view, diesel
Germany’s economy is expanding “noticeably slower” in the final quarter as demand for exports, the mainspring for growth, tapers off in the euro region and globally, the Finance Ministry said. After notching up growth of ...
Tags: market view, economy
Demand for machine tools in China is projected to grow 14.2 percent annually to 389 billion yuan in 2014. This strong growth will bolster China's current position as the world's leading consumer and producer of machine tools. Both supply ...
Tags: machine tools, China, Components