While this decline was spread across all three market sectors — light metal packaging, steel drums and similar containers, and other containers (of a capacity exceeding 300 litres — it was most substantial in the light metal ...
Tags: Metal Packaging, Falling Demand
LED chip, lamp and lighting fixture maker Cree Inc of Durham, NC, USA has launched MR16 Series LED lamps with TrueWhite Technology, delivering the soft, diffused light of a traditional 50-watt halogen MR16 lamp and designed for global ...
Tags: MR16 Lamps, LED
The wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) market grew 10% year-on-year to record revenue of $2.6bn in second-quarter 2014, according to the latest Optical Transport Quarterly Report from Dell’Oro Group. The WDM market comprises ...
Tags: WDM Market, division multiplexing
Tetra Alsafe is designed to preserve product quality between processing and packaging, adding a continuous circular configuration to the filling line, enabling products to continue to circulate under refrigerated conditions in the event of ...
Tags: Tetra Pak, ESL Production
The development of the E-commerce, let more and more stationery enterprises test for it.But it also bring a variety of confusion and conflict to the traditional stationery brands, for traditional office stationery brand,Online and offline ...
Tags: E-Commerce, Office Supplies
LED driver IC vendors including Silergy, Macroblock and On-Bright Electronics are expected to see their sales stay flat in the third quarter of 2014 before riding higher in the fourth quarter, according to industry sources. Order ...
Tags: LED Driver, IC Vendors
According to the provisional foreign trade statistics compiled by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK) and the Turkish Undersecretariat of Customs, in July this year Turkey's foreign trade deficit decreased by 34.8 percent to $6.4 ...
Tags: Steel Export, Mineral
According to the provisional foreign trade statistics compiled by the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK) and the Turkish Undersecretariat of Customs, in the first seven months of this year the value of Turkey's iron and steel imports ...
Tags: Steel Import, Steel
Korean automaker Kia announced it will invest more than US$2.5 billion with their suppliers in Nuevo Leon, as Ternium is ready to supply steel to them. The company will build an assembly plant in the town of Pesquería, which is ...
Tags: KIA, Automotive Industry
The US Department of Commerce (DOC) announced the initiation of administrative reviews of antidumping (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) orders with a July anniversary date. The DOC initiated the following administrative review of an AD ...
Tags: Pipe, Flats Imports, Mineral
Australian iron ore miner Atlas Iron Limited has announced its financial results for the financial year 2013-14 ended on June 30. According to the results, in the given period Atlas recorded a net profit of A$17 million, compared to a net ...
According to the data provided by the Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA), in July this year Japanese automobile production (including passenger cars, trucks and buses) totaled 894,742 units, decreasing by 15,504 units or 1.7 ...
Tags: Auto Output, passenger cars, trucks
The Omaha Tribe of Nebraska, a federally recognized Native American tribe located in northeastern Nebraska, and the Tribe’s Utilities Commission have reached a settlement with the United States to improve the Tribe’s drinking ...
Tags: EPA, certification
US-based printing and specialty papers manufacturer NewPage Corporation has introduced a high gloss cast coated alternative label paper called Reflections designed for high-end wet glue and pressure sensitive applications. Food and ...
US-based Dynamic Recycling has started work on its new distilled spirits plant set to come up in Bristol, Tennessee. With this addition, the company will increase its capacity for environment-friendly, economical, safe destruction and ...
Tags: Dynamic Recycling, ethanol