Reportedly, the Chinese steelmaker Baosteel announced to remain its list prices for tinplate unchanged for next January. Also, Baosteel kept its tinplate list prices flat for consecutive three months. It’s learned that the ...
Japan’s blast furnace (BF) mills planned to start tinplate price negotiation for the fourth quarter with Asian buyers. It’s said that the Japanese BF mills have sought to raise the tinplate prices due to higher hot rolled coil ...
Tags: BF Mills, Asian Buyers
It’s reported that the Chinese steelmaker Baosteel planned to cut tinplate prices by RMB230/ton for July. Meanwhile, Baosteel has reduced its tinplate prices by RMB180/ton and RMB160/ton for April and May. Industry sources ...
Reportedly, the Chinese steel giant Baostee announced to cut its tinplate list prices by RMB100/ton for June. It’s learned that the company remained its tinplate list prices unchanged but offered some discounts for May after ...
The situation is becoming certain for prices of steel tinplates for Southeast Asia to be raised for shipment of next quarter(January to March). It is because the Japanese mills offered lately price increase by USD 50 from this quarter ...
Tags: Japan, Steel Mills, Prices, Shipments
Chinese steel giant Baosteel have informed its customer to remain its tinplate domestic prices unchanged for next January, according to market insiders. Meanwhile, it's learned that Baosteel has cancelled the special discount for ...
Tags: Baosteel, Tinplate Domestic Prices, Tinplate