The toy line combines traditional play and toy car collecting with AR digital gaming as players race cars on an iPad and watch them react in the real world. A new Kickstarter project that combines toy car collecting with video gaming is ...
Tags: Kickstarter, Pocket Racing
China Toys Main Exported Products from Jan. to Dec. 2014 Product Name Unit Volume Value Compared with the Same Period of Last Year Volume ...
Tags: Tricycles, scooters, pedal cars
A federal district judge has issued injunctions against four California companies and six individuals barring them from importing, selling and distributing children's products containing hazardous levels of lead and phthalates and small ...
Tags: Service, Children's Products, Toy
Signed cars from the likes of Sir Stirling Moss and TV motoring presenters Quentin Willson and Vicki Butler-Henderson joined the line comprised of cars donated from across the UK. The National Motor Museum has caused a world ...
Tags: National Motor, Toy Car, Traffic Jam
Event featuring hundreds of antique and vintage toys returns following a successful 2013 debut. The Heritage Motor Centre is preparing to host its second Toy and Collectors Fair, following the 'huge success of last year's event.' The ...
Tags: Toy, Collectors
The firm received 515 per cent backing on Kickstarter for its line of Mo-To cars. CandyLab Toys, a US Kickstarter-funded toy firm, is looking for international distributors for its line of Sixties-inspired wooden toy cars, Mo-To. The ...
Tags: Candylab Toys, Toys, Wooden Cars
So long, Hot Wheels. You just got lapped by toy race-car company Anki, which showcased its iPhone-controlled car game at Apple's developers conference in June. At the International CES gadget show in Las Vegas this week, Anki gave onlookers ...
Tags: Anki, iPhone-controlled car game, Anki Drive, toy race-car
A toy is any item that can be used for play. Toys are generally played with by children and pets. Playing with toys is an enjoyable means of training the young for life in society. Different materials are used to make toys enjoyable to both ...
I was really pleased to be asked, as a special needs parent, to write an article for ToyNews. As with anything I write, I think about my approach and I started by looking up the definition of toys. This is what good old Wikipedia said: ...
Tags: Autism Mumma, Toys
Construction sets he Greek philosopher Plato wrote that the future architect should play at building houses as a child.A construction set is a collection of separate pieces that can be joined together to create models. Popular models to ...
When the doors of Bethel New Life opened last Saturday, Darlene Williams darted inside and headed straight for a table piled high with dolls, princess costumes and fairy tale castles. Toys had begun to spill out of her giant tote bag when ...
Tags: Toys, Way to Give, Churches
This rates as one of the Toy Hype teams favourite stories ever! At the University of Delaware, Sunil Agrawal, a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, approached Cole Galloway, a professor in the Department of Physical ...