The EC is proposing stricter laws for organic foods The European Commission (EC) has proposed a new Regulation or organic products and labelling of organic products, saying that consumer and producer concerns are at the heart of the new ...
Tags: Agriculture, Food, organic foods
One of Australia's major organic certifiers, Australian Organic, has launched a new campaign fronted by celebrity chef and Australian Organic Ambassador Pete Evans. Australian Organic said the campaign aims to educate Australians about ...
Tags: Agriculture, Food
According to a new survey released Oct. 21, a majority of Americans are concerned about pesticides in their food supply. The survey of 1,000 Americans conducted by Lindberg International on behalf of Stonyfield, Londonderry, NH, the world's ...
Tags: Agriculture, Food, Packaging, Printing, tag
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has announced that the organic producers in the country will have increased opportunities to export their products, while people in the country will have more organic food choices to purchase, ...
Tags: Agriculture, Food
The Euro-leaf organic logo became fully mandatory yesterday(1 July). The principle of an umbrella logo for all European organic packaged foods was first approved in 2007 and the long-road to implementation is now at an end.All ...
Tags: organic logo, packaged foods, strict farming standards