TP Halo and Thailand’s Provincial Energy Agency are collaborating on launching new LED T8 tube lights in Thailand, said representatives interviewed at EcolightTech Asia 2015, which ran from Nov. 19-21, 2015 at Queen Sumkivrit ...
Adequate levels of rhizobia organisms can help to increase nitrogen fixation; satellite imagery and mapping capabilities help growers identify yield-limiting factors; and developments in drought stress tolerance. Adequate Rhizobia ...
Tags: Agriculture, Food
Producing second-generation biofuel from dead plant tissue is environmetally friendly - but it is also expensive because the process as used today needs expensive enzymes, and large companies dominate this market. Now a Danish/Iraqi ...
Soil potassium (K) levels have been routinely tested for many years. Historically, K levels were quite high in most South Dakota fields and therefore crop producers paid little attention to K levels or fertilization. However, in the late ...
Tags: Agriculture
While the aftermath of Winter Storm Atlas is still felt by ranchers, growers of field and forage crops in storm-hit areas of western South Dakota might see an unexpected positive outcome for the coming season when it comes to insect ...