Privately-held pharmaceutical firm Purdue Products has released new packaging for the Colace product line. The new packaging for the Colace stool softener brand and Senokot tablets was designed based on the consumer research carried out ...
Tags: Purdue Products, Packaging
Inocucor Technologies’ microbial crop accelerator for farmers and greenhouse growers has been approved for use in California. Registration by the California Department of Food and Agriculture also includes certification for the ...
Tags: California Approval, Agriculture
Eighty-four-year-old Tu Youyou arrived in Sweden on Friday to collect China's first Nobel Prize in medicine for creating an anti-malarial drug that saved millions of people across the world. Half a century ago, the pharmacologist derived ...
Driven in large part by the rapid expansion of shale oil and gas drilling and production in North America, the world market for oil field specialty chemicals at the service company level reached $25 billion in 2014, up from nearly $16 ...
Tags: chemicals, coating, paint pigment, shale oil
Unsweetened dark chocolate may improve attention and help consumers beat the ‘midday slump’, according to new research from North Arizona University (NAU). The study, published in the journal NeuroRegulation and sponsored by ...
Tags: Dark Chocolate, green tea extract
After controversy has swirled for days around a group of weight-loss supplements containing a potentially dangerous chemical, many big retailers have pulled the product from their shelves. The supplements in question include the ...
Tags: Chemical, BMPEA, Manufacturing
Russia’s veterinary and phytosanitary watchdog has banned the import of meat and dairy products from eight Belarussian companies. The banned companies include Agrokombinat Skidelsky, Vitebsk Broiler Poultry Plant, Servolux Agro, ...
Tags: Meat, dairy imports, Agriculture
Over half of UK consumers believe energy drinks are bad for ier health, but sales of the drinks are reaching record levels anyway, according to global market research organisation Canadean. Canadean said that to secure the success of this ...
Tags: Energy Drinks, Health Concerns
From 2008 to 2012, U.S. adults prescribed medication to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder rose 36 percent, Express Scripts says. Express Scripts, which processes pharmaceutical claims for members via a network of retail ...
Tags: Health, Medicine, treatments
Feb 24, 2014 01:48 PM ARLINGTON, VA — The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) is taking comments on its proposed clearinghouse for drug and alcohol test results until April 21. It will post a final rule after it has ...
Tags: FMCSA, Drug, Alcohol Reg, PCP
Caffeine may help long-term memory Whether it's a mug full of coffee, a cup of hot tea, or a can of soft drink, consuming caffeine is the energy boost of choice for millions who want to wake up or stay up. But the popular stimulant could ...
Tags: Caffeine, long-term memory, memory enhancer
A couple of years ago, after reports surfaced about deaths that might be attributable to popular energy drinks, U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) demanded that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) investigate the potentially dangerous ...
Tags: Agriculture, Food, Energy drinks
Energy drinks may provide a bit too much of a boost to your heart, creating additional strain on the organ and causing it to contract more rapidly than usual, German researchers report. Healthy people who drank energy drinks high in ...
Tags: energy drinks, heart contraction, detrimental effect on the heart
A newer MRI method can detect low iron levels in the brains of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The method could help doctors and parents make better informed decisions about medication, a new study says. ...
Abuse of narcotic painkillers and other prescription drugs is a growing problem in the United States, and a leading doctors' group is urging members to exercise tighter control on the medications. The American College of Physicians (ACP) ...