Trade Resources Company News Google Car Gets Pulled Over in California

Google Car Gets Pulled Over in California

Google’s bubble-shaped prototype car got into trouble when it got pulled over by officials at its hometown Mountain View, California.

The car got pulled over because it was going at 24 mph in a 35 mph zone making it below the speed limit set in the region.

Google said: "We've capped the speed of our prototype vehicles at 25mph for safety reasons.

"We want them to feel friendly and approachable, rather than zooming scarily through neighborhood streets.

"Like this officer, people sometimes flag us down when they want to know more about our project. After 1.2 million miles of autonomous driving (that's the human equivalent of 90 years of driving experience), we're proud to say we've never been ticketed!"

The officer talked to the person in the driver's seat but did not press any charges. However, according to California law a person must be present in the car to intervene when the technology is tested on public roads.

The bubble shaped car can only go up to 40km/h, and it does not feature any steering wheel or paddles for the drivers to take control of the car, a feature that other prototype models by BMW, Daimler, and Ford has.

Google previously acknowledged the fact that its cars have met with accidents while testing, but said that they were minor and happened mostly due to human error as other cars hit the driverless prototype.

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