Trade Resources Company News Packaging Design Has Been Created for Crabtree & Evelyn Gift Collection by Pearlfisher

Packaging Design Has Been Created for Crabtree & Evelyn Gift Collection by Pearlfisher

Design agency in the UK, Pearlfisher has created the packaging design and brand narrative for retailer Crabtree & Evelyn's new 2012 Christmas gift collection. 

The collection consists of a Home Fragrance range in two scents including Noel and Winter Garden as well as a Personal Care range.

Pearlfisher deputy creative director Sarah Butler said, "We devised a story for each fragrance and used bespoke illustrations, rich, contrasting colours and nature motifs to bring it to life and take the consumer into a magical and festive world, moving from the traditional and coded to a more contemporary, imaginative and inspirational expression of Christmas."

The packaging design aims to present a new original take on the season, explaining the product story through illustration.

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Pearlfisher Creates Packaging Design for Crabtree & Evelyn Gift Collection