Li-Tec, the joint-stock subsidiary company formed between Daimler Motor and Evonik, is looking for technical partner. Insiders it wasn't easy for Li-Tec because Li-Tec enjoyed millions subsidies from Germany government and it don't like foreign compaines. Besides, Daimler and Evonik had different opinions towards the standard of new partner.
As the batteries prices of electric vehicle continued to decline, Li-Tec had to increase efficiency to seize market. 3 years ago, the cost of EV's batteries per km was euro 500. But now it was only about euro 200. And it would be less in the near future. A lower cost of batteries would lead to a delcine in the EV's price.
Li-Tec mainly produced batteries for electric vehicle. It was hold togerher by Daimler and Evonik.
Written by Nicolas Yang