Trade Resources Culture & Life How to Organise Your Entranceway to Really Wow

How to Organise Your Entranceway to Really Wow

Just as the eyes are the window to the soul,so our entrances and hallways are the windows to our home.And just like your eyes,you don't want them all cluttered up with unread junk mail and tired old wellington boots.

However,while we're whirling around our properties doing up every living room,kitchen and boudoir,the sad,underappreciated hallway can often get a little forgotten.Thankfully,CasaSugar's Laura Marie Given is on hand to offer a little advice on how to really wow them all with a hall.

"Entryways tend to be smaller,but that doesn't make them any less important,"she writes."After all,the foyer is a guest's first impression of your home.For that reason,it's worth your time to design an entryway that nicely reflects your style."

Lisa's advice for those looking to spruce up their hallway is to start with a statement piece,be it a deco mirror or over-large art print."The easiest way to have a major impact is to choose a unique focal point that visitors will notice right away,"she says."Other ideas include a work of art,a striking armoire,or a colourful chair."

From there,consider what options you need for storage.You can clear a lot of clutter by investing in a chic shoe stand,and putting your big winter coats in storage rather than having them hang year-round on coat hooks.A lean cabinet is perfect for storing old phone books,odds and ends and unread mail on top of,while you should also put out a decorative dish for change and keys.

And lighting is important,too."Since you're dealing with a smaller space,every piece of furniture matters,"says Lisa."A chandelier strikes a much different note than,say,a table lamp."A modern ceiling light hung from on high will wow,whereas recessed downlights will set the mood for when you want to come home and relax.

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Hall and Coats: How to Organise Your Entranceway