To have authentic Chinese family meals in a Chinese restaurant has become the top item on the to-do-list for many Germans during the current Christmas season. It was almost packed and all the waiters were having their hands full at lunchtime on Thursday.
In 2013, there were nearly 107,000 Chinese nationals living in Germany (101,030 of the People's Republic of China and 5,885 citizens of Taiwan). This number excludes those who have received German citizenship as well as ethnic Chinese from countries such as Singapore or Malaysia.
A suspended dining table appeared outside the sales office near the Nanjing South Railway Station, offering 10 people (eight customers and two waiters) a terrifying experience at 20 meters high. Customers to the "Sky Restaurant" were slowly pulled up by a huge hoist as they sat buckled into their seats. Currently, the service is offered for free.
Chinese food culture is very deep and profound and overseas Chinese restaurants have inherited its essence.Some people say where there are Chinese people, there are Chinese restaurants. It is true that Chinese people gained a firm foothold abroad mainly relying on "three tools," namely kitchen knives, scissors and razors.