International smartphone brands have been incepting anti-fingerprint film as a basic feature of the products,the market believes China white-box handset makers will soon follow suit in 2012.Demand for anti-fingerprint films is expected to rise.Electron guns,provided by Japan-based JEOL,are one of the key components to make anti-fingerprint films.The rising demand for anti-fingerprint films is likely to push JEOL back to profitability.
JEOL has been known as a provider of Electron Guns for processes of manufacturing solar products.The firm began developing other businesses in 2010.JEOL reported net losses in 2011,mainly caused by inventory write-offs in the semiconductor department and the appreciation of the Yen.Nevertheless,the firm hopes to return to profitability in 2012 as sales of electron guns have entered other industries.
With the expected adoption of anti-fingerprint films by China-based white-box handset makers,sales of related components of the process such as electron guns have been expected to show growth,according to the firm.
JEOL indicated that the firm also provides electron guns for the production of mobile phone camera filters.The firm also introduced electron guns for processes of manufacturing LED products.