Trade Resources Industry Trends Global Hand Saws Trade Data in 2015

Global Hand Saws Trade Data in 2015

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Tags: Hand Saws, Saw

Annual Export Trends of Global Hand Saws

Global Hand Saws Trade Data in 2015

From 2011 to 2015, export value of global hand saws were USD 3,803,000,000, USD 3,554,000,000, USD 3,701,000,000, USD 4,012,000,000, USD 3,848,000,000. The export value in 2015 fell 4.1% on year, growing 1.2% on 2011

Top Importers of Hand Saws

No. Importer Import Value(USD) on Year
1 United States 691,273,000 8.20%
2 Germany 284,383,000 -16.40%
3 China 224,089,000 3.20%
4 United Kingdom 126,685,000 9.40%
5 Canada 120,914,000 -6.40%
6 France 117,447,000 -18.20%
7 Netherland 112,938,000 -18.70%
8 Belgium 101,309,000 -9.70%
9 Russian Federation 95,192,000 -37.80%
10 Japan 91,360,000 -10.00%
11 Italy 88,895,000 -7.10%
12 India 86,481,000 -3.40%
13 Korea 83,170,000 2.10%
14 Mexico 80,166,000 6.70%
15 Sweden 76,207,000 -11.40%
16 Spain 74,459,000 9.00%
17 Singapore 73,349,000 -23.90%
18 Poland 72,772,000 8.40%
19 Australia 65,133,000 -15.30%
20 Taiwan 57,907,000 -19.00%

The top importers of hand saws were the United States, Germany and China in 2015.

Top Exporters of Hand Saws

No. Exporter Export Value on Year
1 China 1,083,103,000 -7.10%
2 Germany 540,826,000 -13.40%
3 United States 303,609,000 -9.00%
4 Italy 182,965,000 -12.20%
5 Japan 157,010,000 -4.40%
6 Netherland 126,931,000 -7.00%
7 Sweden 122,737,000 -20.10%
8 Canada 115,261,000 -8.80%
9 Korea 103,657,000 -4.60%
10 Belgium 88,237,000 -14.40%
11 Austria 71,712,000 -8.70%
12 Poland 62,895,000 -13.20%
13 France 60,318,000 -11.80%
14 United Kingdom 57,753,000 -5.20%
15 Thailand 48,946,000 21.20%
16 Brazil 48,737,000 -20.90%
17 Czech 43,802,000 -6.40%
18 Singapore 36,407,000 -4.90%
19 Taiwan 32,782,000 -6.20%
20 Spain 22,764,000 -11.40%

The top exporters of hand saws were China, Germany and the United States in 2015.

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