Pro-Lite Technology (Cranfield, UK) today announced that it is reducing the cost of photometry with the launch of its Labsphere LFC-Series of Integrating Sphere Photometers. LFC integrating spheres are a new, entry-level solution for lighting product manufacturers concerned with value-for-money. Although LFC systems are probably the most affordable like-for-like integrating sphere systems on the market, Pro-Lite is keen to stress that there has been no compromise in terms of quality, performance or accuracy of its new photometers.
The new LFC system from Pro-Lite provides measurement of the luminous flux, color, color temperature and color rendering with economical cost. (Pro-Lite/LEDinside)
LFC integrating sphere systems are perfect for any price sensitive application in the measurement of the luminous flux, colour, colour temperature, colour rendering and power consumption of lighting products. Despite their affordability, LFC systems force no compromise in terms of accuracy. The 98% reflectance Labsphere Spectraflect® sphere coating minimises sphere directionality and shadowing compared with the lower reflectance paints typically offered on competing low cost spheres. An auxiliary lamp to correct for the self absorption of the device under test is a standard fitment. The 50cm LFC sphere is a bench-top design, while the 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0m models are all floor-standing. All LFC spheres provide for both interior access 4pi flux as well as external 2pi forward flux measurements with both directional and non-directional lamps and luminaires.
All LFC spheres are supplied as standard with a 600 lumen standard lamp of spectral flux. Uniquely, Labsphere's standard lamps are calibrated in its NVLAP-accredited, ISO 17025-compliant metrology laboratory. NVLAP accreditation signifies that Labsphere operates in accordance with stringent, independently audited quality guidelines.
LFC systems are offered with Labsphere's CDS-600 high speed CCD array spectrometer. The spectrometer records a complete spectrum in a flash - that's the advantage of an array spectrometer over a more traditional scanning monochromator. Each LFC system is supplied with Labsphere's well regarded LFCMtrX application software. The software provides remote control of both the calibration lamp DC power supply and an optional AC power supply and power meter. LFCMtrX software automatically reports both the luminous flux of the device under test and the electrical power consumed and simplifies the reporting of luminous efficacy (lumens per Watt efficiency).
Pro-Lite’s Technical Director, Robert Yeo, commented: “With LED lighting becoming more widespread, there has been a focus on reducing the cost of R&D and performance verification testing. Pro-Lite and our partners at Labsphere have responded to this challenge with our new LFC family of spheres, yet we were not prepared to compromise on quality or accuracy, attributes which have been synonymous with the Labsphere name over the last 35 years. With LFC we now have what we believe to be the lowest cost integrating sphere photometers on the market today – including those of far-eastern origin – yet the speed, ease-of-use and accuracy of our instruments is better than it has ever been. We’re pleased to now bring to market photometry equipment with Western quality and performance at Far-Eastern prices”.