Trade Resources Industry Views Hair Care Product Industry Analysis Report

Hair Care Product Industry Analysis Report

The statistics from January to August in 2012 shows that the major export markets of Chinese hair care products were relatively concentrated. The top ten export markets were as follows: Hong Kong, Japan, USA, Taiwan (China), Pakistan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, Philippines, Malaysia and Yemen, which occupied 82.9% of the total export value for Chinese hair care products in sum. As all the countries and regions mentioned above, Hong Kong was the largest export market of Chinese hair care products, accounting for about 24.9%. Followed by Japan and USA, their proportions were 17.5% and 11.7% respectively.

Hair Care Product Industry Analysis Report



1. Major Importers for Chinese Hair care Products Export from January to August in 2012 
2. Major Cities/Provinces and Average Export Unit Price for Chinese Hair Care Products from January to August in 2012 
3. 2009-2012 Global Hair Care Products Demand and Analysis 

1. Major Importers for Chinese Hair care Products Export from January to August in 2012
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Hong Kong was the largest export market of Chinese hair care products, which proportion was almost one-fourth.

The statistics from January to August in 2012 shows that the major export markets of Chinese hair care products were relatively concentrated. The top ten export markets were as follows: Hong Kong, Japan, USA, Taiwan (China), Pakistan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, Philippines, Malaysia and Yemen, which occupied 82.9% of the total export value for Chinese hair care products in sum. As all the countries and regions mentioned above, Hong Kong was the largest export market of Chinese hair care products, accounting for about 24.9%. Followed by Japan and USA, their proportions were 17.5% and 11.7% respectively.

Japan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates and Malaysia's demands for Chinese hair care products grew sharply.

Among the top ten export markets of Chinese hair care products, the export value for Malaysia owned the largest growth year on year, with a rise of 144%; the export value for Japan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates and Yemen also increased to a big degree, up 48.4%, 87.8%, 98.9% and 65.6% year on year respectively.

2. Major Cities/Provinces and Average Export Unit Price for Chinese Hair Care Products from January to August in 2012
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Guangdong was the largest export province for Chinese hair care products.

The first five cities/provinces for Chinese hair care products were Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang and Tianjin, accounted for 95.1% of the export value for Chinese hair care products, and the cities and provinces were highly concentrated. As the five cities and provinces mentioned above, Shanghai's average export unit price was the highest, followed by Jiangsu, and Guangdong's average export unit price was little higher than that of Zhejiang and Tianjin, ranked the fourth.

3. 2009-2012 Global Hair Care Products Demand and Analysis

2009-2011 Global Hair Care Products Import Value
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From 2009 to 2011, Global hair care products import value grew year by year. The import value achieved 11.68 billion USD in 2011, a rise of 8% year on year. The growth rate was slower, with a drop of 3.9% compared to 2010.

Major Importers for Global Hair Care Products in the first half of 2012

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Among the major importers for Global hair care products in the first half of 2012, Europe and America and other developed areas' demands were higher, in which the import value for USA, Japan, Untied Kingdom, Canada and Germany were higher significantly than other countries and areas. According to the growth of import value year on year, the ten countries/areas mentioned above, the import value for Japan grew sharply, a rise of 40.42% year on year compared to 2011. Followed by Spain, it was up 17.85% year on year. However, the import value for United Kingdom, Poland, Italy and Belgium were all declined year on year.

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Thanks for reading the report, if you have any questions,opinions or advices, please contact us.
Name: Ms. Zhang Li

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