Trade Resources Industry Views Bosch Packaging Technology to Launch Its V55 External Coffee Protection Valve

Bosch Packaging Technology to Launch Its V55 External Coffee Protection Valve

Bosch packaging technology will launch its V55 external coffee protection valve to meet the growing demand for high quality coffee in North America.

Bosch Develops Coffee Protection Valve

The solution is applied on coffee packaging to check the possibilities of deterioration of the products.

The new valve which is smaller in size than its predecessor claims toenhance product protection and also offer material, logistical and storage space savings. It will also enable users to reduce changeover time.

The valve will feature an applicator technology, equipping soft bags or cans with external valves, which will enable manufacturers to apply up to 150 valves per minute.

The National Coffee Association had stated in a report that US consumes 61% coffee and there is a shift towards gourmet coffee consumption with an estimated 3% increase for 2014.

Bosch packaging technology sales and business development manager valves Julian Kaetzlmeier said, "To capitalize on this consumer trend, manufacturers are seeking packaging solutions that deliver high operational efficiency without compromising quality. By providing both applicator and valve technology, we offer our customers an integrated solution to meet production targets while also satisfying consumer expectations."

The company claims that the storage space requirements and transportation costs for coffee manufacturers will also be reduced significantly owing to the small size of the valve that measures 12.5 x 12.5 x 0,35 millimeters, 0.49 x 0.49 x 0.014 inches.

The valve will also reduce the need for changing reels frequently, which would leave operators with more time. Owing to the reduction in size, the valve now requires 625 less paper film which decreases paper waste.

Bosch will launch the V55 external coffee protection valve at Pack Expo International 2014, which is to be held in Chicago.

Image: The new V55 compact coffee protection valve from Bosch. Photo: courtesy of Robert Bosch GmbH

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Bosch Develops Coffee Protection Valve