At Cervia, central Italy, a Heidelberg Speedmaster SM52-6-LX Anicolor six-colour press together with Kama Pro Cut 53 Die Cutter have been installed. The anilox technology enables Contego to respond rapidly to the market demand for small runs with short lead-times.
The company’s site at Piacenza has seen the installation of an MPS two-colour printing machine, with 100% in-line control camera, to increase printed foil capacity. It has also invested in a Vijuk machine from GUK to produce outsert leaflets.
A Sodemal Pre-Folded Leaflet (PFL) machine has also been installed to further improve the quality of PFL output as well as increase capacity in preparation for future growth.
Tom Reid, Chief Executive Officer, Contego Packaging Group said: “These investments are part of our ongoing programme to further improve our facilities and technology in order to meet our customers’ requirements now and in the future. Installing state-of-the-art equipment will ensure that we remain at the forefront of our field”.