According to a recent report, the global mar-ket for return-able trans-port pack-ag-ing (RTP) will grow at a CAGR of 6.1% over the next few years. By 2017, Priority Metrics Group projects the global RTP market to reach $6.75 billion. The U.S. market for returnable transportation packaging is currently estimated to be slightly over $1.1 billion dollars.
The report ana-lyzes the multi-billion global mar-ket and presents his-tor-i-cal and pro-jected mar-ket data by prod-uct type (includ-ing con-tain-ers, pal-lets, and drums), cir-cu-la-tion type (closed loop, open loop and pool-ing), global region and key mar-kets (includ-ing auto-mo-tive, retail and postal ser-vices). The report also con-sid-ers key trends that will impact the indus-try as well as pro-files of lead-ing sup-pli-ers of return-able trans-port pack-ag-ing prod-ucts. The report con-tains over 50 detailed tables and charts sum-ma-riz-ing key infor-ma-tion such as sales, key play-ers, mar-ket share and growth. In addi-tion, there are mul-ti-ple fig-ures and dia-grams of prod-uct designs, new tech-nolo-gies, mate-r-ial flow, etc.
“With demand for return-able trans-port pack-ag-ing expected to rise by 6.1% per-cent annu-ally world-wide over the next five years, com-pa-nies should take a hard look at the oppor-tu-ni-ties for expan-sion here and abroad,” says Pri-or-ity Met-rics Group Pres-i-dent John Bar-rett.