Australia-based breakfast food company Monster Health Food (MHF) has introduced new front-of-pack labeled products, which display a health star rating on packaging.
According to the company, the first two products, which include Berry and Free & Lo Muesli, have a health star rating of four out of five stars. The system will be introduced for its other products in the coming 12 months.
MHF co-owner Trevor Lauman said the rating system is about delivering transparency to consumers about products.
"We believe the system also comes at a time where consumers are more conscious about their food choices, and more sceptical of health claims such as '99% fat-free'," Lauman added.
With the support of Australian government, the rating system was developed by industry, consumer, and public health groups.
The rating is said to provide an overall indication of the nutritional quality and additional information of the food providing an overview of the key nutrients within the product such as salt, fats, sugars and fiber.