Mars Food North America has voluntarily recalled around 3,500 cases of UNCLE BEN'S READY RICE Original Long Grain White Rice product over packaging issue.
According to the company, as a result of punctures in the pouch packaging the product has not met quality standards.
The action pertains only to the UNCLE BEN'S READY RICE Original Long Grain White Rice product with a best by date of 12/14 MADE IN CANADA and with Lot Code 351GBBFPXX printed on the package.
The 351GBBFP represents the product lot code, while XX, the packaging equipment and could be any of 1L, 1R, 2L, 2R, 3L, or 3R, noted Mars Food.
Mars Food said that no other UNCLE BEN'S brand products as well as no other Mars Foodservices products are involved in this action.
Image: UNCLE BEN'S READY RICE Original Long Grain White Rice. Photo: Courtesy of PRNewsFoto/Mars Food North America