China Glass Industry)according to the statistics,the national glass average price has risen up in the middle of September.The stock of enterprises in west-northern market has declined,and the price has risen a little.Influenced by the other regions'high price,the glass price in Central China regions also followed to rise.With the increasingly demand in Northeast China Region,the price also rises and the sale goes smoothly.The real estate industry in North China rebounds again that drives glass price rising.Leading by the East China meeting,the glass price rises and the stock keeps steadily.Southwest glass demand grows sharply,and then glass price rises.The stock of manufacture companies in East China has dropped that results the glass price rising.In this month,parts of the East China enterprises hold a price coordination meeting.But some individual enterprises down-regulated the price which dragged down the average price.
Xiangcai Securities thought,the stock peak in this period has appeared,and gross margin began to rise.The new phase of glass industry will begin in this year.Driven by the peak season of demand in North China,the price rising situation is formed.The price still has enough room to rise.Recommended enterprises:Fangxing Science-Technology(600552),Kibing Group(601636),Yaopi Glass(600819),Southglass A(000012)