Electronics For Imaging (EFI) has expanded its options range for the wide-format market with the introduction of its new thermoforming digital UV-curable ink.
The new ink will allow signmakers and printing companies to print direct onto thermoplastic sheet materials, which later on can be formed into deep draw, elongation parts with retention of hue and opacity.
EFI's VUTEk GS-TF thermoforming ink's elongation capabilities are improved by its opacity on a selection of materials, including PETG, acrylics, polycarbonates, polystyrenes and PVC, making it suitable for custom-formed signs, packaging, point-of-purchase displays and many more applications.
The inks have been designed to remove the limitations of working with thermoformed applications and open up new routes to productivity for businesses.
EFI's introduction of thermoformable UV-curable inks, and the machines to use them, offers new opportunities to printers for bringing digital printing's strengths to a range of new applications.