Trade Resources Logistics & Customs Who Will Be Undertaken Within The 175 Hectare Webb Dock Precinct at The Port of Melbourne

Who Will Be Undertaken Within The 175 Hectare Webb Dock Precinct at The Port of Melbourne

Premier Denis Napthine and Minister for Ports David Hodgett have announced the successful contractor for the extensive civil works package that will be undertaken within the 175 hectare Webb Dock Precinct at the Port of Melbourne.

As part of the $1.6 billion Port Capacity Project, the civil works contract will deliver important roads and services 'backbone' infrastructure that will enable the fast tracking of additional container and automotive capacity for Victoria.

"Delivering additional port capacity is vital to maintaining Victoria's economic advantage, which is why the Coalition Government is delighted to announce the appointment of BMD Constructions, directly creating 120 new construction jobs," Dr Napthine said.

"BMD Constructions will build new roads that directly connect the new terminals to Melbourne's M1 Freeway. By closing the port's existing entrance and creating direct connections to the M1, port traffic is directed away from local residential streets."

Mr Hodgett said the construction works will also include substantial upgrades to the existing roundabouts on Todd Road.

"The two busy roundabouts on Todd Road carry large volumes of traffic to and from the M1. The works will upgrade these intersections and install sensor-based 'intelligent' traffic lights, which enable VicRoads to adjust to suit demand," Mr Hodgett said.

"The Port Capacity Project represents $1.6 billion of key infrastructure that will generate 1,100 direct jobs and an additional 1,900 indirect jobs.

Mr Hodgett said works will also include the development of high-quality buffers around Webb Dock, which will protect residential areas from noise and enhance visual amenity.

The construction of the buffers include noise walls along Todd Road, a landscaped linear park that also provides facilities for cyclists and pedestrians linking the city to WestgatePark and onto the bay-side beachfront.

"The buffer works will also include an observation deck at Webb Point where the public can watch the ships entering Webb Dock and the Yarra River, and take in what would have to be some of Melbourne's most panoramic views," Mr Hodgett said.

Landscape works of the buffers will be undertaken in consultation with The Friends of Westgate Park, who have been gathering seeds and propagating plants that will be replanted as part of these landscape works.

"The works will be delivered under a strict Environmental Management Plan that is totally transparent and open to scrutiny – every worker onsite will sign up to the requirements that protect flora, fauna, the Yarra and the Bay, as well as strict controls for managing dust and noise during the works," Mr Hodgett said.

"This is a smart, sustainable approach to infrastructure – soil is reused on site, vegetation removed for the works is mulched or re-planted and water is harvested to help drought proof the buffer landscapes and WestgatePark."

BMD Constructions is expected to complete the necessary pre-start approval process during the next two months enabling this phase of the works to be under way early in the New Year.  

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Who Will Build The Roads and Services for Melbourne's Webb Dock Project?
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