Demand for active and intelligent packaging in the US alone is forecast to expand 8.0% annually to US$3.5 billion in 2017. It is the fastest growing packaging segment worldwide. Food and beverage made up 65% of demand in 2012. That is likely to shift as interest in and uptake of intelligent packaging is accelerating in pharmaceuticals.
Both manufacturers and retailers understand the importance of A&IP in managing complex supply chains, avoiding waste and stamping out counterfeits of their brands. What still needs to spread is a fully detailed view of how this next generation of packaging helps to improve the bottom line. That is why the third AIPIA Congress is ALL about how to profit from developments in these packaging technologies.
Let's look at just one of the congress topic, Smart Labels:
Reducing waste is not just about extending shelf-life. Accurate and reliable condition monitoring – or allowing retailers and consumers to know what is going on inside a package – has a key role to play. In the food sector, Smart Labels tell you when to eat a product and warn you when it is about to head for the garbage bin. They can do the same for medicines or even sensitive industrial products, such as anti-fungal paints. Saving product waste can be as profitable as selling more. Customers and retailers stay loyal to a brand whose quality they trust.
Delegates to the last Congress were very positive about the timelines for adopting A&IP, with over 40% reporting that their plans were focused on 1-2 years and the next 30% looking at implementation in just 2 to 5 years.
The time to make your A&IP presentation is now. AIPIA Congress is your opportunity. Choose your subject and apply early to avoid missing out.But please remember that The AIPIA Congress is not a sales pitch. You can book space in the Demonstration Area, Seeing is Believing, for that.
Your Presentation should be about the state-of-the-art in your chosen technology. Illustrating your talk using your products as examples is fine, but the AIPIA asks, please cover the total picture.