Trade Resources Industry Knowledge The Light From The LEDs Is Shielded,Passers-by Are Ensured a High Level of Visual Comfort

The Light From The LEDs Is Shielded,Passers-by Are Ensured a High Level of Visual Comfort

LED Lighting Project: Czartoryskich Square

Axis Walk­light mark the steps on Czar­t­o­rys­kich Squa­re in Cra­cow. Be­cau­se the di­rect com­po­nent of the light from the LEDs is shiel­ded, pas­sers-by are en­su­red a high level of vi­su­al com­fort.

Biuro Pro­jektów Le­wi­cki Latak, dr inz. Piotr Le­wi­cki, inz. Wi­told Opa­l­in­ski

Tho­mas Pflaum, Cas­trop-Rau­xel


LED Lighting Project: Czartoryskich Square_1
LED Lighting Project: Czartoryskich Square_2
 Lighting tools used
LED Lighting Project: Czartoryskich Square_3

Axis Walk­light
LED Lighting Project: Czartoryskich Square_4

LED ori­en­ta­ti­on lu­mi­n­ai­res IP68


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LED Lighting Project: Czartoryskich Square
Topics: Lighting