Trade Resources Industry Knowledge Here Are a Few of Our Favorite Pictures of Offices

Here Are a Few of Our Favorite Pictures of Offices

Choosing office furniture is one of the most important parts of designing an office. After all, the way your space looks says a lot about your company. You wouldn't go to a job interview wearing a track suit or on a first date with unbrushed hair and a stain on your shirt. First impressions mean a lot, which is why most companies carefully cultivate their office's look, so that it represents their image accurately.

But sometimes, delightfully, companies decide they just don't give a hoot. Here are a few of our favorite pictures of offices that don't look at all like they belong to the companies that own them.

When The Furniture Doesn't Fit The Business

Actual business: Pediatrician's office

Looks like it should be: A place to get your children's joy removed.

We're cheating a little bit with this one. The picture above is actually a photo from a company that makes furniture for pediatrician's offices, not an office itself. And we're sure the furniture is very lovely and functional and does everything it's supposed to do. (The site specifically points out that furniture in pediatrician's offices needs to be an appropriate height for little kids, and this picture seems to fit the bill.)

All we're saying is, if you buy this furniture for your pediatrician's office, please do not replicate the paint colors, lack of toys, and general joylessness of the model picture. You'll never convince them to get their booster shots that way.

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Actual business: Law office

Looks like it should be: Our house.

Sometimes, however, people make an unusual furniture choice and it works out for them. Take, for example, awesome lawyer Kristina G. Barsch of Sterling Heights, Michigan. Barsch apparently looked around her office one day and thought, "You know what this place needs? The Beatles." And she was totally right. If we lived in Sterling Heights, this lady would get all of our business. All you need is love, and amazing furniture.

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Actual business: Dentist's office

Looks like it should be: The model home for those overpriced condos they're building across town.

Here's a time when not looking like what you are is really, really good thing. The past couple of years, we've noticed that more and more dentists' offices are adopting this kind of sleek, sterile, contemporary look, and that's probably for the best. Sure, it's confusing when you walk in and have to locate the receptionist from behind that giant tooth sculpture that apparently also doubles as a desk, but consider the alternative. After all, dentist's offices used to look like this:

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When The Furniture Doesn't Fit The Business
Topics: Furniture