Trade Resources Industry Knowledge Vertical Wind Turbine Runs on The Same Principles of Energy Transfer

Vertical Wind Turbine Runs on The Same Principles of Energy Transfer

A vertical wind turbine runs on the same principles of energy transfer that are at work in a traditional; or horizontal turbine. The terms horizontal and vertical in this case refer to the axis of rotation. So a horizontal turbine is one that is placed above the ground, within the head on the top of a tower. It Is driven by propellers that look similar to the aircraft variety. On the other hand, a vertical wind turbine's axis extends from the ground up into the air. The propeller shape is much less prevalent here, as it is more effective to utilize slats that run roughly parallel to the axis to harness the wind's energy. This is the primary distinction made between the two styles. A traditional wind turbine operates at a 90 degree offset from its prop, while a vertical turbine operates in line with its prop. One of the major advantages a vertical wind turbine has over the traditional turbines is generator placement. In a traditional turbine, the gearbox, electromagnetic coils, and all the moving parts in the machine are placed at the top of a pole, far from easy human interaction. In a vertical turbine however, you can place all of those items on ground level. This leads to a much easier time repairing and maintaining the equipment. Source:

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Vertical Wind Turbine